Which fins for me ? June 1, 2015

I have done a lot of reading & testing of fins over the years, I must say that there is a lot of information out there, some of which can be hard to decipher if you are new or even experienced in the fin game. The reason for this blog is to give a very basic idea of what fins are going to suit you in very basic terms. I have spoken to alot of customers who have over the years gotten too much info & ended up confused or even with the wrong fins or equipment completely.
The secret to picking a fin for regular beach breaks that you surf everyday is to not over think it. Do your basic bit of research & think about what you like, for me, a fin with a thick base & a thin tip is great for everyday surfing as it will have hold off the bottom & a bit of release on the top. A fin with plenty of flex is going to have plenty of release & probably not the best for bigger waves.
It is also very important to take into account the size rating on the fins. The extra small & small sizes are for groms & guys up to 60kg or so, the mediums for guys up to 80kg & so on, do your research here & you are going to have so much more fun out in the water.
The basic idea is to get a fin that suits the conditions you surf in. The beauty of the era we live in is that you can essentially make your board go alot of different ways with an array of fin sets to get the best bang for your buck out of your surfboards, very economical if you are the 1 surfboard per year type of person.
You can always give us a call here at TWS but the main thing to remember is don’t do your head in on all the info out there keep it simple, line up your weight with what size you need & the other details to line up with what fins you need for the waves your riding. Check out the attached vid which is a story on the birth & progression of FCS up until 2011 so not including the creation of FCS II but still very interesting nonetheless. Tom Carroll even says in there that it was hard to know about fins before FCS so don’t be disheartened. It is a great time to be a surfer & the equipment is always improving & super exciting to test. Hope this article has cleared a couple of things up! Any other questions you might have get in touch. Happy Surfing, Yew.