Which Airline should i fly?? October 26, 2009 – Tags:

This year I’ve done so much international flying, it feels like I pretty much live in an airport or on a plane. I’ve been travelling non stop each week for about 6 weeks now and been jetlagged the whole time, and after a while it starts to take a toll on your body. I’m not complaining because its doing something I love, but I started to think after my flight back to Aus with Air New Zealand how much better some airlines are than others.
The reason for this post is pretty much to tell you about the good things and the things that really piss me off about some airlines I’ve travelled with over the past few years. For starters my flight back to Australia was with Air New Zealand, I was looking forward to going home and the welcoming of this airline was incredible, I actually enjoyed flying with them. The hostesses were cool as. The food wasn’t bad and the movie selection was crazy. I think both times the meals came out I was given one of each selection, so I definitely didn’t go hungry. The best thing though is the fact they didn’t charge any excess on surfboards.
The amount of excess baggage is my biggest worry when I travel. Because I’m always travelling with 3-4 surfboards plus, some airlines charge ludicrous amounts for this, so I try to travel with the airlines that don’t charge for surfboards, but heading to some places its just impossible to do so. British Airlines used to be a great airline, but now they wont even let you take any surfboards as luggage. As the years go on I think more an more airlines will start charging crazy amounts of money to carry your surfboards and a lot will stop taking them all together, meaning you will have you freight your surfboards there before you leave. Here is a quick rundown of the best and worst airlines for Excess Baggage
Air New Zealand, Qantas, Virgin Atlantic, South African airlines, Garuda Airlines, Singapore airlines. These airlines are the ones I try to fly with most frequently, I have never been charged excess for a surfboard bag with these airlines, I have heard of people getting a charge off Singapore once or twice though. Remember to keep your boardbag under about 28kg though or they might flip out a little.
Not to bad:
Tam airlines, American airlines, aeromexico, air Canada, tap airlines and easyjet. These airlines are ones that have a set charge for surfboards, its normally not too bad, in between $30-$100 range. Some charge a rate per surfboard so when they ask you how many are in the bag just say one or two depending on the size of the bag and just hope they don’t look inside, if you got a bunch..
Ahhh Stay away:
Iberian airlines, united airlines, Continental airlines and Air France. Now these guys are ones I really try to stay away from. I got stung about $500 to fly from LA to New york with United this year, I nearly lost my shit at the airport, the guy at the desk was a dead set arsehole. On the way home I was lucky enough to get charged $200 im not sure how there prices were different from the way back or if the guy just pocketed my coin. But either way I would never fly with them again. I know continental charge $700 for a bag with 4 boards inside and the other two airlines charge a pretty similar rate.
All these airlines are ones I have flown with or been advised not to fly with. There are heaps more good airlines out there, just make sure you do your research, there is nothing worse than getting to the airport after saving for your holiday all year, and having to wack and extra $400 on the credit card to get your surfboards on the plane with you.