W’ere there again! Happy Christmas from tradewindsurf.com December 6, 2011 – Tags:

Another year wiser? Who knows, the year in surfing has been an interesting one to say the least, Kelly Slater got his 11th world title, which is no massive surprise, it’s what happened under him that was interesting, the Gabriel Medina’s, Owen Wright’s and Julian Wilson’s just to name a few, that took the veteran top ten front runner’s by the scruff of the neck and gave a massive sub conscious warning that they are about to turn the WT on it’s head and it will never be the same again! Exciting times no doubt and a subject i will be all over like a rash next year!
On to us now, we would like to wish everyone a happy and safe festive season, an extended thanks this year to the supporters of tradewindsurf.com.au which has grown considerably even in the last six months, if you have looked at our site or bought one of our boards or any of the great products on our store then this is for you! Without you guys we don’t have a business so thanks again.
To the guys on tour who support with stickers on the crafts or do our interviews we put in front of you or we have a mug shot of you somewhere on the site, then thanks to you to it’s great to have your support! Would like to also wish Adam Melling the best of luck as he sits second in the race for the Vans Triple Crown in Hawaii with just Pipe to go, behind John John Florence, it’s gonna be tough to beat the little tube master at home but don’t think for a second that our Mello is a slouch in the pit, he is gonna be ready to pounce if John John Faulters! Good Luck Melmot!
To our Shapers and accessory labels, thankyou for your ongoing support again this year, we have made an effort to grow our store not only with new boards but accessories also, a special shout out to Ocean & Earth who have come on board with us recently and things are going well, there product is great and is going well on the new look store! Just trying to think whether i have missed anyone if i have then i guess you will have to pat yourself on the back! Ha sorry! This year for Christmas it is kind of short and sweet, i think last year i gave you a photo of some ladies or something, this year it’s a 14 second clip of our little superstar buddy Mitch Coleborn, doing a big ass flip on a right i don’t know much about it’s pretty cool to watch though so have a look, and hope that we can see this guy at the second half cut off of the tour next year to give the new generation a stir where he belongs! Enjoy crew woo!