TWS Update! June 3, 2010 – Tags: ,

No complaints from the Tws camp, apart from the fact my net has been playing up like a miners wife, which is why you haven’t heard from me of late!
Sedz has held the reigns of the blog of late and has been coming up with some cool shit, contest news, happenings in the surfing world not to mention the ‘Fish’ thrown in there for good measure!
Things are going well everyone is happy with the boards, and even happier with the service, the new girl of the month comp is powering along with some smoking girls entering for everyones pleasure!
The classifieds section could do with some love and it’s still free so get those old boards online with us and see if you can make some extra dough, I’ve sold a few of my second handys on there, so the section is effective!
Onto the photo now and i have planned to give one of our Sunny Coast shapers Neil Belcher a shout out! Neil is one of the Quality shapers on the Sunny Coast is a great surfer and has a good handle on what people want! He has recently become a dad and is still pumping the boards out like a champion, check out his profile on our custom boards section especially if you are looking for something that not everyone else has got!
Belch Does a sick in between [Fish and High performance] board and is handy with any other shape has a few solid Sunny Coast team riders and has a sweet little factory with a shitload of Character! So give a Belch a go if ya want to try something a little different!