Tradewindsurf moving and improving May 19, 2011 – Tags:

Sink or swim, that is one of the popular sayings to describe the cut throat world that we live in, the surf industry is no different and with the amount of business mad geeks floating round online the saying is even more relevant on the net when it comes to websites!
Brand placement/recognition to enhance further sales, colour coding that is easy on the eye, ease and understanding of movement on your website to make your customers happy, all in all trying to get you to buy products! I actually dont entirely understand or care about this, so luckily it is not my area!
Which brings me to tell you, that we are building a new website for you as we speak, to keep up with the juggernaut that is the world wide web and the business tycoons that milk it’s potential day in day out! I was surprised when i had it put to me that the website needs a change style and function wise!
‘Didnt we just do that’ I thought.
Anyway, i have seen the artwork for our new site and i must say i was impressed and although i am still happy with the model i am using right now, I can confidently say that what is in the pipeline over the next month or so is just what we need to stay in the loop and bring into 2011 and beyond!
The idea is the same, great boards, great shapers, all the gear you need to get you out there and keep you out there, as well as some new additions! The difference being that the sections will be more futuristic, comprehensive and user friendly, making your experience with us more positive! A world i never thought i would become involved in, simply because i am still flat out uploading a photo to put with this article, an exciting adventure nonetheless! Stay tuned the future is bright at TWS!