Tradewind Surf the humble surf store. April 30, 2015

I have to say, it has been interesting over the years listening to companies talk about starting in someone’s back shed or basement etc & creating that feeling of trust & that you are about to receive the best service off the most passionate sales person you have ever met, only to be met with a fast talking sales man who if he doesn’t make his monthly quota will probably be on the dole queue & the next guy will take his place.
I have to point out that Tradewind Surf did start not even in a shed but in a bedroom, not even sure if there was a desk. Definitely not the most glamorous of beginnings, but i can tell you write now that every surfboard we have ever sold to you has frothed us out big time & i think a lot of you that have bought off us would have realised the service was a cut above, when getting you the right board in the right amount of time.
Take a look at us now in the picture attached, we have graduated from the bedroom to an actual shed! We are where all those big companies said they were when they started, I can tell you right now that we are proud of our shed & the passion that goes into making sure that all of you get the right board or bag or pad whatever it is & the late nights packing boards in that shed & texting with you to get it all exactly right.
The point is it’s not about growth as such, its about a happy customer who tells his friends & so on, to the point where we have a shed with stock & a bunch of legends from all over the country getting the best service that money can’t buy, off surfers, being us, that have kept things mellow on our end so the experience is mellow on your end, sure things have gotten busier but we plan to keep this time friendly service up for a long time after everyone else is telling you to hurry up & buy this is the best board ever, we will never tell you that, because your the surfer & you know what you want to surf on! Yew, talk soon.