The Show Taylor Steele 1997 January 17, 2015 – Tags: , ,

Found this gem on Youtube before when i was looking for the soundtrack alone, some legend has uploaded it to the Tube! This video lit a fire under me about surfing as a whole, my brother introduced it to me when i was about 14 & i got hooked on it, i new every wave, the sound track by heart. I am not sure what it was, it seemed like it was a crew of guys, having a sick time, which is what we are all about when we are groms surfing every day!
I think the most impressive thing is how Taylor Steele could make a video with a bunch of superstars but have a heap of mates rates in there too, but no matter what the vids still went massive. That is with no disrespect to any of the guys surfing in the vid they all shred, but a lot of them might not have made the cut in another film makers list, because of profile or whatever reason.
I am listening to & watching it now as i write this & it is frothing me out, it seems a lot of the camraderie has gone in surfing, alot of those sick stories brands & film makers used to create with there outlets is gone, the surfing is no doubt through the roof, but it seems that its all about the next trick or who is getting paid the most, which i am definitely interested in, but watching an old vid like this makes me remember the old days, have a watch if you have never seen it & see what you think, if you are familiar with the vid or even the industry in the 90’s press play & take a trip into the past!