The Introduction September 14, 2009 – Tags: ,

Here we are, after months of preparation our new website is finally up and running, it was a mad scramble to, with word that we were getting a little mention in the Sunny Coast surf mag, we were stretched to the limit to get things live, so with the deadline Sunday night, we made a mad dash all day Sunday, to get everything to a level at which we could flick the switch, so to speak!
Thankfully everything went off without a hitch, and we are happily sifting through your orders, the complexity of the site means that we are going to be releasing it in stages, this being stage one! Stage one includes our shapers page, our new order form, our new Store, as well as everything else that is new including this blog, keep an eye out for your favourite pro’s talking it up about there travels good and bad in the not to distant future!
As time progresses just a little more [Maybe a week] we will have an extensive range of pro surfing’s second hand boards, in other words if you have ever wanted to ride one of your favourite pro’s boards but never new how to source them, then look no further, cause your prayers have been answered, this is one of our latest ideas for you to sink your teeth into, not bad huh?
That is the beginning for you and i will save the rest for my next blog, so have a look around, the website is new so if you pick up on something we missed then feel free to let us know here, enjoy!