TWS Team! February 1, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Sifting through some festive season photo’s last night and came across the stills for our dedicated drinking team, the boys all cruising in there TWS singlets, the photo’s that followed probably weren’t fit for the blog but this gives you an idea of the support we have from the crew round the Sun

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The Lost Legacy! January 18, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Another happy TWS customer, and another happy …lost lover, the …Lost Rocket [pictured here] has been going mad, and with good reason to a remake of the video that took the surfing world by storm all those years ago 5’5 x 19 1/4 redux!

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The first turn! January 13, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

2pm and i’m in a meeting with the TWS web designer who is probably sick of the site of me, ‘So can we have this, this and that done asap’.
‘Yes Willow i’l have it done’.

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2010 December 31, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Here it is end of 09, and what better to be doing on New Years Eve, than throwing a shout out to all the guys that followed us through the transition of old school TWS, to the new school way of operation!

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Making your life easier! November 24, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

After a couple of months holding the reigns of the new website I had an epiphany, ‘I don’t think everyone has a credit card, and i don’t think everyone wants to pay for their surfing habit with borrowed cash’!

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Tradewindsurf from the beginning. October 27, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Born in the earlier part of 2007, was an idea cooked up about 6 months prior, Leigh Sedley a traveling pro surfer grinding out on the QS, and looking for something other than the drag of the QS to spend his time working on and break up the tweaked thoughts that go through your h

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Board models in stock ready to go! October 2, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Hey guys, if you want to see the boards for yourself and buy what you want off the rack, then TWS has the online answer, coming very soon is our comprehensive board store, where we will have all of your favourite shapers models, ready to go, buy now, shipped the next day, and if we don’t have it

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