Best Sunglasses 2024 February 19, 2024 – Posted in: Lifestyle

Best Sunglasses 2024. Here at Tradewind Surf we have prided ourselves on our Sunglasses collection in recent years. See what we think are the best sunglasses in 2024 & what we have available. Best Sunglasses 2024 –  Our sunglasses journey started back in 2010 with our first label William Painter from San Diego in the US. That is a story for another time, but they are still today our best selling label. In short, because…

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Sunglasses for sale Woombye December 6, 2022 – Posted in: Lifestyle

Sunglasses for sale Woombye! Ever wanted to avoid going down to the coast for certain things ? We sure have. We can’t help with to many of those. But we can help if you wanted sunglasses & didn’t want to leave the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Sunglasses for sale Woombye –  Tradewind Surf has always been an online surf store with a warehouse & predominantly we still are. In recent years however, we have moved into…

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Spy Cyrus Sunglasses Review July 3, 2022 – Posted in: Lifestyle

The Spy Cyrus Sunglasses review should be pretty easy for me as they are the pair that I am wearing now. The design of them is big & bold but not ridiculous. They are in proportion. For me, I have a bit of a boof head so they fit me really nicely. It is actually probably the best fitting pair of sunglasses that I have ever had. When they go on my head The Cyrus go…

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Spy Cyrus Sunglasses Review – Posted in: Lifestyle

The Spy Cyrus Sunglasses review should be pretty easy for me as they are the pair that I am wearing now. The design of them is big & bold but not ridiculous. They are in proportion. For me, I have a bit of a boof head so they fit me really nicely. It is actually probably the best fitting pair of sunglasses that I have ever had. When they go on my head The Cyrus go…

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Spy Optics review March 13, 2022 – Posted in: Lifestyle

My First pair of Spy Optics were sometime around 20 years ago, maybe 2001. Long before I had embarked on the journey of extreme sports retail & today a Spy Optics review. I remember those sunglasses fondly, they were red & chunky with a black lens, they made me feel cooler. Every time I put them on, they gave me a certain confidence & they felt strong & durable. I must of had those for…

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