Ocean Earth Board bag review November 15, 2022 – Posted in: Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The Ocean Earth Board bag review. A reputable name in surf hardware for over 40 years. How do their board bags stack up to others in the market & more importantly, your surfing needs. Ocean Board bag review –  There is three main types/categories of Ocean Earth board bag to choose from. Barry Basic, which is your no frills strong, canvas board bag. The Compact series which is a mid range of features, coloured, boardbags.…

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Which Boardbag should you buy ? August 30, 2015 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Over the years we have sold countless boardbags, different brands, different shapes & sizes, all to accomadate your surfcraft, whatever it may be. There is a few things to take into account when selecting a board bag. First thing that people miss is making sure that the bag is wide enough.

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