Logan Hicks Surfboard art inspiration June 29, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

So over the years my most fun surfboard art that i have done has been with layered stencils, i haven’t really gone to overboard for the ones that i have done, but guys like Logan Hicks have made solid livings out of urban Stencil art.

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Michael Spencers Photo Blog February 18, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Alot of you might know Michael Spencer as the cool cat pro surfer from Newcastle who does big punts, dresses cool and goes mad on the decks to serious techno music, but the man of many talents also runs a cool little blog called www.lensflarelo

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Ben Frost is the King October 24, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

I know this isn’t really on the subject of surfing, but hey who doesn’t like a good piece of art. Ben frost is by far my favorite artist at the moment and for good reasons..

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Some sick graffiti in Rio Brazil October 9, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Ive been in Brazil two weeks now, and seen some really creative graffiti. These are photos from a random wall Goodall and I walked past, luckly he had his camera handy.. Walls like these are very common in Brazil.

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