Surfboards in Queensland October 29, 2015

When thinking surfboards in Queensland, you could come up with a diverse range of boards across the breaks  this state has, but generally there is a common theme. Sand bottom right handers is a phrase that comes to mind, also mushy beach breaks follows a close second when thinking about QLD.
The Breaks & the boards –
You can surf right up to Far North QLD & alot of breaks in between, they have some crocodile infested beachies, with box jelly fish & other deadly wildlife that might make you think twice, the terrain is beautiful, but in my opinion you would have to be keen to get amongst it, so I think we can leave the top end of the state out & come down to –

Agnes Waters –
Roughly 4 hours North drive from the Sunshine Coast Agnes Waters is known for warm water, mellow beachies & a busy on its day, right hand sand bottom point break, that is not what you would call consistent , but can & does pump during cyclone season, time it & you are going to score some fun waves. The best board for Agnes we would reccomend is the Walden Mega Magic –…
If your looking for a shortboard to ride, something with some volume for Agnes would be good like a Chilli Rare Bird, the volume is there to get you through the slow sections but also ready to perform at a moments notice.…
A fun place to check out when you know the waves are there, not a big wave or barrell haven, but still lots of fun to be had.

Double Island Point –
Such a mental place when it is firing, you need a 4wd & a decent swell for the point, or small swell & a Northerly wind for the beach side, for the point think kilometres of sand bottom right handers, that grind on low tide & are fun on high tide, your board choice is open but we would reccomend something like the Stuart Bender Mini Gun or Lost Mini Driver, for paddle power & a pulled in tail to hold you firm down the line –…
There is definitely the chance of pits here & rippable walls to, so the Mini Gun is the perfect example of covering your bases, you could always look at taking more than one board to really have it sorted, even though I would still recommend having a Mini Gun in there.

Sunshine Coast –
Lots of sand bottom beach breaks on the Sunny Coast which turn on often, with offshore mornings & good little banks. The Sunny Coast is dense in parts yet desolate in others, so the uncrowded waves are there if you know where to look, the stretch from Sunshine Beach near Noosa to Coolum has plenty of banks & provided the wind is either offshore or mellow, then there is a good chance you are going to have some fun! When choosing boards for the Sunny Coast, high volume is a priority, something that is inbetween playful & performance is the way to go. We would say going for a Hayden Shapes Hypto Krypto has the Sunshine Coast written all over it, as it is Future flex technology, decent volume, yet can still hold some size & perform –…
If you are after something a little more traditional, the DHD Switchblade is a great option, built for performance but with enough volume to get you onto those sometimes fickle Sunny Coast waves –…
The Sunny Coast is a fun place to go waves or not. There is plenty of right hand points to go with a heap of beach breaks, to make sure you have some variety.

Gold Coast –
The most famous surfing destination in Queensland, arguably Australia & the World. For what the Goldy lacks in variety it more than makes up for with quality. Sand bottom points that go forever, big crowds, beautiful girls, warm weather & pro surfers everywhere you look, the Gold coast is somewhat of a haven for anyone that lives & breathes surfing. When thinking of waves we have to focus on the points. Snapper through Greenmount & round to Kirra are the sort of waves that performance is key if you want to get the maximum out of the waves when it is pumping. The Lost Taj Burrow Beach Buggy is a good option as it is a perfromance board, with a touch of volume to get in early & the performance rails & outline are going to help you lock in & get the ride of your life, once you weave through the crowd!…
Perhaps you are surfing the points on a small crowded day, if that is the case either go over the border for more swell & less crowds, or ride something like a JR Wharfie for paddle power & volume for obvious reasons.…
So there you go, a bit of an insight into the waves in Queensland, there is so many boards to choose from & this is merely a guide as to a few boards that would work in these conditions, but get in touch if you would like to know more or have some questions. Watch the vid attached of Parko at Snapper in 2011 if you want to get fired up to get amongst the sun drenched waves in Queensland. If you have never been, a road trip with a car full of boards is an absolute must. Happy Surfing!