Surfboard Art on June 8, 2010 – Tags: , ,

Check this out crew, just sold a board to Scott in WA he was really fancying some of the lost art he had seen and gave us a call to see what we could do!
We were able to help Scott out and make the idea of his board with a sick graphic on it come to life, he had some of Drew Brophy’s art in mind and sent me through a pic of the sort of thing he was chasing!
Because Drew is a …lost artist in the States it was always going to be a bit exy to make it happen with Drew doing the drawing, TWS had a trick up it’s sleeve though, Caspian Delooze a free olance artist who does alot of work for lost and other labels in the surf industry! Having known Caspian i gave him a call, he was happy to make the drawing a reality and knock it up for Scott in WA who in turn was stoked!
So this is a plug for caspian, look him up check out some of his work it is literally mind blowing, and rest assured that we here at TWS can organize Caspian to do work on your board to, just give us a holla!