Softboards for sale Sunshine Coast July 17, 2022 – Tags: , ,

You have come to the right place to look for Softboards for sale Sunshine Coast. Everything about surf culture here points towards softboards being part of the fabric. From our often friendly swell, to our point breaks that seem to peel for miles. Our climate & water temps that have southerners salivating year round.

Softboards for sale Sunshine Coast – 

Here at Tradewind Surf online. We have been selling softboards for 15 years & we know which softboard is right for you to tackle then Sunshine Coast waves. We have a huge range of  Softboards  & we have narrowed down over the years the best quality softboards, that perform & leave you happy after each surf.


Softlite 8’0 Chop Stick


So which softboards are they – 

If you clicked on our softboard link above you would see that there is a lot to choose from. This can be overwhelming for any surfer. Let alone if you are a beginner where they basically all look the same. Something with length & volume is going to be ideal if you are a beginner. In fact it is actually essential that you do have plenty of length & volume.

If you are an intermediate or advanced surfer. Chances are you have a better idea of what to choose. But there is still a lot to sift through. Something with a bit less volume & length might be good so you can perform more, but you don’t want to over do it.


Softboards for sale Sunshine Coast Summary – 

The best thing that you can do when looking for a Softboard on the Sunshine Coast is get in contact with us here. Or give us a call on 0488 775 483. To go with that you can always follow us on  Instagram   & see what we post & even talk to us there. Talk soon.