Portugal, Spain, the end September 7, 2008 – Tags: ,

I arrived home the other day. I truly wanted to come home. I was over it. We were all over it. But now that I’m back, back home, back to reality, i’ve got the feeling that very soon ill be off again. Even if it’s not overseas, ill need something. Something to brake the routine. Thats the reason we want to travel, we need to do things differently, we need to be able to go to bed at night not having any idea what is going to happen the next day. To have no plans and nothing that we are obliged to do. But now its over, we are back, and its time to reflect.
Portugal is damn good. Each year its always looked forward too. The contest itself is positioned in a valley in between two smallish hills with a roping right hand point that is amazingly fun, when there’s swell. Which is what was lacking the first day of the waiting period. The point was just breaking but with the outlook showing only two days of swell, it was on. All the boys that surfed went mad and you might’ve even seen us on the webcast talking our little mouths dry. The swell came, the waves pumped and the comp was great. Then.. The swell went, the comp continued and once again sedz was the last man standing. Phil Macca won and sedz finished 9th. Great effort from all.
The nightlife in Portugal is pretty mental if you can pull the timing off. Alot of the time you go out get drunk, get crunk and realise that it’s 12 and there is no one there. You see, no one but out of towners go out until about 2 o’clock. So timing is essential. You have to hit it right or be ready to be out all night. We had a team mad sesh minus spence who had his board stab him straight in the eye. The eye would be alright but it was scary when it happened. Portugal would be the place where the team would be broken up. Brenno, woody, brett, yabs and frankie would be leaving us for home and the rest of us would be separated due to accommodation problems in spain. Bye Bye Bye.
The 2nd round in Spain was very different though. We arrived our first day straight into lovely weather, beautiful women, amazing surf and a cool little town. Just so happens it was Basque day while we were there which is just like Australian day if not crazier and drunker. The people there definitely know how to celebrate their way of life. 
The contest was once again massive and once again the boys performed with this time myself, Fisher and Dozza into the round of 24 and Dozza continuing on into the quarters. And with that we drank our last drinks, had our last hangovers and drove our last 160km/hour highway to the airport for our plane home. We came, we saw… Thats all…