New Surfboards by Lee Cheyne proving popular! June 20, 2010 – Tags: ,

Couple of snaps here of a few boards by Lee Cheyne, Lee has grown in popularity in the time we have been showcasing his boards and more and more of the crew are now choosing there next quiver be off the humble master from the south Tweed!
Lee was one of the originals on the site way back in 2007 when it was all very new and the concept of buying boards online was all a bit daunting! We now offer some of the top shapers from around Australia and the world!
We are looking to give something back to the surfing community as we don’t want to lose touch with why we are here, the program has grown nicely and all the while we have put the profits back into improving the service for you, we are now interested in getting a small team together, not future world champs, not super groms with attitude problems, just a team of young guys showing promise, with a love for their sport who want to try a heap of different shapers at discount team prices!
Being a resourceful bunch of lads here at TWS if the sponsorship goes well then expect us to try hook you up with a full time sponsor in the future. Get in touch if your interested and we will go from there!