Mick Fanning Wins Portugal making a 3 horse race into Pipeline October 21, 2014 – Tags: , , , , ,

What a crazy few events it has been. John John Florence has made everyone forget his average start to the year by pretty much demolishing everyone in his path since Trestles. Except maybe Jordy Smith, who has had him twice in 2 goes, once in the Trestles final & now in the Semis at Portugal. Because of the semi finish for John, his world title race is over, but as Mick has said about himself, his world title years have all started half way through the year before. Perhaps this is what John is doing?
Mick might not want to speak too soon either, no one was talking about him going into Portugal, it was all Kelly Slater, Gabriel Medina & surprisingly enough John John Florence, who was nowhere before Trestles. Everyone forgot about good old Mick, 3 times world Champ, the reigning World Champ, did everyone think he was done. I must say i kind of did until i saw yesterday what lay ahead, as Kelly & Gabriel had melt downs in round 3 & Mick was left in the draw i thought hang on, as i switched from the comp to look at the points on the CT i realised, that if Mick could win he would have a better chance than people have given him credit for.
It is strange because, there is something about JJF that even though he is Hawaiian, I find myself barracking for him like he is an Aussie. But after Mick winning last night  & looking at the points, he is in with a real shot. About 3000 points behind Medina he has come from nowhere & looks not too bad, with nothing to lose & experience on his side. Medina must be stressing by now, he could of done it in Portugal, easily for his standards, but, has now left it down to the hardest arena in the world to win titles if your not from the states. All i can say is look at the points in the picture above & see what you make of it. As for me i’m back on the Mick Bandwagon, Goooooo Mick!!!