Mick Fanning Takes down Joel Parkinson at Chopes, possible fairy tale unfolding. September 2, 2012 – Tags: , , , ,

Got to say a big congratulations to Mick Fanning after he won his first Billabong Teahupoo pro title last week in Tahiti. In what is becoming a great, healthy rivalry, Mick surfed against Joel Parkinson in the final & took the honours for his second win of the year, Joel looked to have it sorted early, but Mick, with the determination & coolness under pressure he has displayed so many times before in his career was able to come back for the win.
I couldn’t help but feel for Parkinson who really deserved a win in Chopes & in my opinion would really love to see him get a title this year, in what might be a rare sight for the future, we had two Aussies in the final & number one & two on the ratings at this mid point of the year are both Cooly Kids. Slater is still there obviously but Fanning & Parko have it there for the taking if they can string the rest of the year together. Mick knows how to do it, Joel is more than capable, lets just hope for an Australian fairytale finish. Until next contest!