Mick Fanning one of the greats! December 15, 2013 – Tags: , , , ,

As i write this article, Pipeline Masters is on & perfect 8-10 foot & John John has only last heat destroyed Mick Fanning , comboing him with over 18 points, leaving MF with an even 5 points.
The two rounds before, 5 & the quarters, Mick needed big results to secure his 3rd world title. With a minute to go in round 5 holding nothing over a 3 Mick needs something big he pulls a 9.5 out of the bag to dispose of CJ Hobgood. The beach lights up & Micks destiny is still in his hands. The Quarters roll around & a rampaging Yadin Nicol has almost 17 points trying to keep his own career alive [Yadin needed to make the final to stay on tour] leaving Mick needing a 9.57 with only a couple of minutes to go, sure enough white lightning struck & Mick got the score the beach erupted again this time in disbelief as Mick has pulled off a Houdini act twice in as many rounds to clinch his third world title. To write about it doesnt do it justice.
Now in my mind what makes Mick one of the greats, is not entirely the fact that he now has three world titles. The fact that he has bettered himself each time he has had a world title year. According to those close to him Mick basically had to block out everyone for his first world title. Focusing like never before to get that first world title, who could blame him, what surfer doesn’t want world titles, in 09 he repeated the feat, a little more laid back & social, but still focused & worried , as said by the man himself not having as much fun as he should for someone with such a great lifestyle.
This year Mick in the shadows somewhat for the first half of the year, has the fun back, loving life & in the mix, he even had enough time & confidence to make a signature film, with Taylor Steele, ‘Missing’ in amongst all that he has still managed a 3rd world title ! What a champion & with this sort of formula he probably will be for years to come. Now John John is about to take to the final of Pipe against the king Kelly Slater , which is another story altogether its an exciting day to be a surf fanatic! For the record Kelly called this final about ten years ago & send he looked forward to a shootout with JJF here it is.