Land of the Rising Sun August 3, 2008 – Tags: ,

Today is my last night in japan, been here for about a week, but haven’t had enough internet access to write in the Blog much so here is a quick rundown of the trip. 
Walking out of nagoya airport last week into japans 40 degree blistering heat was like copping a punch to the face. It’s Summer time here so everyone is out to play and making the most of the sun, because in the winter time it can become quite freezing..The event we are here for is the 6 star Billabong Tahara Pro, and everyone from the near by town comes to spectate. Japan is generally known for small waves and this time it was no exception. 2 foot surf the first day and 6 inches the rest, but the event must still go on, and it doesn’t slow the enthusiasm of the Japanese locals as they crowd the surfers and ask for autographs and a photo of each heat winner. The Japanese people are the nicest most polite people i have ever met and looked after us with everything..without a translator on the trip it would have been a nightmare, but luckily we had someone helping us order food and help buy us fireworks at the local 7-11 store, some of which could blow your own leg off! 
Now we are cruising in our air conditioned hotel room near the airport waiting for our flight to england, via USA (24 hours of flying) and about to have one last hit of sushi, but all in all i had a great time, and would love to come back next year and check out tokyo and the rest of it.