Jeremy Flores puts the pants back on the surfer October 14, 2014 – Tags: ,

I have to say that it was a breath of fresh air to watch Jeremy Flores calmly dismantle surf journalist Ben Mondy in a post heat interview at the Cascais Billabong Pro last week. After a heat win in what has been a bit of an average year for the European surf star he spoke to post heat interviewer , Ben Mondy who had recently been writing some negative things about Flores. Rather than give the taking it one heat at a time drone, Jeremy decided to have a few digs back to back, asking Ben how he should surf after reading what he has been writing about him recently, then following up with ‘it is negative stuff’ as Ben starts to go into a nerve riddled damage control, Jeremy, brings Ben back from the dead by saying it’s ok i’m joking.
After watching the encounter i have to say, I am impressed by the way Jeremy Flores handled himself, lots of guys would of said nothing out of fear of a backlash possibly, from the fans, surf media or even sponsors. Some would have lost there cool. But Jeremy, calmly pulled him down, then as Ben was about to implode, he brought him back from the dead, after making his point & let the show go on.
There needs to be a bit more of this, surfers having there say after surf journo’s, looking for clicks, say whatever they can to arouse some interest, the harsher the better. Now don’t get me wrong, I like a good cooking probably more than the next bloke, but i don’t like bully’s & i think what Jeremy Flores has done here is at the very least made a great point & assured Ben Mondy won’t be saying another bad word about him. The golden rule of this story is if you can’t take it don’t give it. Either that or don’t take a job interviewing the surfers you write about, where they can punish you ten fold in front of a worldwide, live audience haha, i must say Flores went up in my opinion after that one! Jeremy for President.