Gerry Lopez Surfboards Review January 31, 2023 – Tags: , ,

The Gerry Lopez Surfboards review! It is no secret, that Gerry Lopez surfboards along with the Gerry Lopez name are extremely reputable in the surf industry. But how do the boards go ? Sure, Gerry is the OG Pipe Master & surfing legend, but what does that all mean for you, the rider.

Gerry Lopez Surfboards Review – 

The boards themselves in Australia are manufactured & distributed by Surftech. They use a number of technologies, with the Lopez models it is often Fusion & Fusion HD. These are an epoxy model with a look & feel that is similar to an engaging PU. Giving a good balance between Epoxy & PU feels.

Gerry Lopez Something Fishy Fusion


How do they surf ? 

The Gerry Lopez models have great feed back from riders. With the fish featured above, being noted as a fast ride, that draws smooth clean lines. The Fusion technology is also proven, used on numerous different models with great success. There is something to suit every surfer in the gerry Lopez range.

From The Something Fishy for small waves. Or the Gerry Lopez Squirty for performance. The Little Darlin is perfect to chase some more throaty waves. Then the Midway or Long Haul to round out the Mid Length & Longboard models respectively. So what you see is a board for everyone at a mid to high price range. The boards have a great finish & would not look out of place in the pool room. If that is your thing.

Summary – 

Gerry Lopez Surfboards are a great way to get the feel of a master shaper & his crafts. They are not inspired by the performance models of the day. They have their own flair in construction & design. We would love to discuss further with you on 0488 775 483 or follow our Instagram or Tik Tok for more! Yeww