Clint Kimmins Crys wolf about shark attack.. Who cares? March 21, 2010 – Tags: ,

on Friday When Kimmins rocked up at pumping Burleigh at 7am to find the line up littered with a million people, he decided to post on his facebook before paddling out that he just saw someone get his leg ripped off by a bull shark at Burleigh cove. By the afternoon 71 people had commented on it, some people totally wigging out. His next post was “just caught a humpback whale on a hand reel” to see how Gullible people would be this time. 
It was all just a bit of Facebook fun, until Herald sun caught wind of it, and blew it out of proportion in an article in there paper, they pretty much made Clint look like an idiot by posting this thing on his personal Facebook. But Facebook is about freedom of speech, half the things i say on it don’t mean a thing. For the Herald sun to go and write a story about what Clipper has written on his Facebook they must be struggling for some decent content like me right now. This story is pretty much pointless that i’m even repeating it, i just thought it was a bit of a laugh