Bring on 2016 January 10, 2016 – Tags: , ,

I usually do a Christmas post in December to bring on the New Year & thank all of our regulars & one off customers alike for there support & wish everyone a Happy New Year. December gone was a little different. Busier than ever & working day & night to make sure all the presents made it under the tree & everyone got what they were after, I like to think we succeeded, as each year we have another wave of happy new customers & a strengthening relationship with the happy ones from the year before.
The dust has settled somewhat & we have finally had a chance to reflect on the madness. We have a lot in the pipeline for you this year with lots of new products, deals & features on the way, to make your habit more accessible & easier on your hip pocket. Get in touch for our best deal, via our chat room, phone or email. If you have been on the east coast of oz this weekend then chances are you have had some fun waves, I caught the end of the swell late this afternoon & had a ball as a lot of the other guys were surfed out from the days prior. I have left you with a clip of Kyuss King & Mick Fanning going for a surf out at small Snapper, sampling some new models from DHD check them out here –…
Enjoy that one & be sure to say hi this year, we would love to hear from you, hope 2016 is great for everyone & you all get ample waves! Yew