Adam Melling Interview October 29, 2009 – Tags:

Were here in Canada for the Cold water classic, it’s the 2nd last contest in the series the next one is in Santa Cruz. How you going in the ratings for that? ($50,000USD for the winner of the series) Well I am coming 3rd at the moment it would be a real bonus to win it, but I am happy just to try better my overall results for the year.
You won the Second Cold water Classic event up in Scotland earlier this year and pocketed $20,000. I heard you spoiled yourself rotten with some crazy new wheels, give all the rev heads a run down of what you roll around in. I did spoil myself a little. I have always wanted a HSV, so I bought myself R8 tourer. It’s the new wagon that holden brought out this year. The thing goes mad, I love coming home to it.
What’s some of the music you would normally have going through your stereo? I have been listening to a lot of techno mostly minimal, but lately I have been getting into some old rap always good for driving.
I see you flagged going to Brazil for those 6 stars because you are guaranteed to have Qualified for the WCT next year. What did you get up to in your month at home? It was good to not have to go back to brazil, some time to just relax a bit at home. I’ve Been on the road for a while before that this year already, probably around the world twice all up. Got some fun waves and did a bit of shooting, also got into my training to get ready for these last four comps.
You have always seemed pretty injury free, what sort of training do you do? That’s not entirely true I used to have a bad back. I do some power lifting and other exercises to strengthen my core, it really helps, and my back is a lot stronger from doing it.
Would you have come to these cold water events if you weren’t in the running for the series win, and had still qualified or just kicked it at home longer with the misses and got buck wild.. No I would have come for sure. You can only better your results by being in the comps and there is still a lot of prize money up for grabs in these events, although it is nice being at home I like going away with my mates.
You must be really looking forward to next year? Its your first year on the Tour, how are you planning on going about it? Well I am still waiting for this year to end so I will focus on these comps, but over summer I will defiantly be getting myself ready for next year the best I can, maybe checking out some of the breaks in vids or going there and getting a feel for crazier spots.
Are you looking forward to any event in particular? Looking forward to going to j bay. It has always been a wave I want to surf. I have been to Sth Africa many time s and never been. Also it would be good to surf bells and Chopes, but not to massive, That would definitely get the heart pumping.
Who will you be travelling with at most of the events? I have not really thought about that yet the first couple are at home in Aus so probably solo, then we will see, probably some of the Aussie crew.
It seems everyone on tour these days has three kids and is married! Does that mean your gonna pop out a few tin lids with the missus and tie the knot next year? Hahahahaha you never know, I have been with my girl for a year and a bit and it s going great. I think I will just keep it at that for the time being.
You’ve been riding Emery surfboards for the past 2 years now, how is it working with a shaper so close to home? (mello actually lives with Al emery) yeah it has been great, before that I was going between a few shapers and I could not right. With emery I have been able to really work with him on my model and get something I am happy with. I can be on his case every day if I want his bedroom is just up the hallway.
What is your favourite model? Adam Melling model of course, cause we have put a lot of time into it. Its super fast and is easy to put on rail and carve, with the right amount of pop. The stump is also a real fun board, perfect for summer grovelling. Shorter than your normal board wider and flys in the chop of summer.
Is this the model you have been riding all year on the QS? Yeah I have been using the adam melling model in all the qs comps this year seems to be doing the job.
Who else has been looking after you this year? Oakley have been a great support I could not do it without them, future fins and
Byron Bay Physio are also helping the cause
Sweet mate all the best, I’ll heckle you again in a few months to see how things are going!
K mate cheers..