A New Era August 11, 2009 – Tags:

Boys, girls, ladies, gentlemen! We are back, and by that I mean the online surfboard store that you may never even have heard of, Tradewindsurf.com have come from relative obscurity, and rejoined the world wide web with a website that is up to date with 2009 and not looking like something that you would produce on a commodore 64, not mentioning any names! We are ready to make your life easier when it comes to buying boards, selling boards, and sourcing sick products that aren’t always easy to get! 
I could go on about the site and its functions, but if you want to know just browse the thing! Or why not even give me a call,[Willow 0431 197 365] chances are il be at my dodgy laptop looking at this thing that has taken countless hours to produce anyway. If there is something you would like to see then let us know, there is a good chance i would have already thought of it and will have a great reason as to why we haven’t done it but you never know!
If your wondering about the photo, then wonder no more, the chunky guy on the left is me, i’ve had a skinful and i’m hanging with my buddy Baz, [Mitch Coleborn] Why not open this site with some blatant name dropping and try sell some boards that way! 
Why don’t I have a photo of me and my business partner Leigh Sedley instead i hear you ask??? The reason is simple, the only time anyone is stupid enough to take a photo of me is when they also have abused alcohol, second to that when i’m on the piss then so is sedz, I can’t stand Sedz on the piss he is an irritating weird giraffe looking creature and he can’t get close enough to me for a photo to be taken!
Jokes aside, the serious part of this business is now done by the website, which keeps us in check better than, I dunno, something that keeps people in check really well! Bottom line, we are here to have fun and get you what you need to keep having fun, and being so sure of our product we have time to fool around! 