A little about Lost Surfboards Shaper Matt “Mayhem” Biolis December 26, 2010 – Tags: ,

Matt Biolos began shaping surfboards at Herbie Fletcher Surf Shop fresh out of high school in 1987. He made his first surfboard at this time and called it a “Ratz Ass” like in “I don’t give a …..”. His second surfboard was labeled “Mayhem” named after his high school punk band- obviously not taking things very seriously. This name, for better or for worse, stuck. Matt shaped 20 boards the first year. Not too many people were ordering boards from Matt yet, so to make money he continued to sand surfboards and began to paint wild designs on them along adding a handwritten …LOST wherever he could.
Surfers like Christian Fletcher and Matt Archbold were getting Biolos’ paint jobs. By working in an environment with master shapers and good surfers, he was able to develop into a good shaper himself. After years of primarily painting surfboards (usually with skulls, monsters, cartoon girls or whatever else customers could dream up) Matt finally got guys like Christian and Nathan Fletcher and Strider to actually try his shapes. Strider Wasilewski became “mayhems” first pro team rider.
Not long after came Chris Ward, Justin Matteson and others. In 1996 when another clothing company came along and offered Chris Ward six figures to break his Lost Clothing contract, Lost surfboards was born. Chris Ward now rode Lost Surfboards. As the brand grew, painters and shapers were hired to help keep up with the growing demand.
Buy LOST surfboards here : http://tradewindsurf.com.au/new-surfboards/lost-surfboards