Chile Earthquake/Tsunami March 2, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

On Saturday a severe earthquake and tidal wave shook all of Chile. Chile’s Save The Waves’  program is located in the coastal area that was hardest hit. The region is now recovering from major tsunami damage as well as severe earthquake destruction. Our friends and colleagues are at the 

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The run down from Stuart Surfboards February 28, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Had a good little business trip down to the Gold Coast the other day, for those that don’t know my business partner Leigh Sedley has been living in California for the best part of a year, and he’s back now for a few months, and we’re on the campaign trail making the site more user friendly and up

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Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition… LISTEN!!! February 25, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Well this is another lazy blog post, because my rattled little brain couldn’t really think of anything to post about this morning. so i decided to post a song that im really getting into at the moment. Temper Trap came to Australia for the big day out and absolutely blew the festival apart.

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The Burleigh Breaka pro February 23, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Well done Taj Burrow taking out the Breaka Burleigh Pro on sunday in shoulder height, fun rights on Sunday arvy at the famed point, I’m sure the beer flowed and the cas got a going over Sunday night!

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Michael Spencers Photo Blog February 18, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Alot of you might know Michael Spencer as the cool cat pro surfer from Newcastle who does big punts, dresses cool and goes mad on the decks to serious techno music, but the man of many talents also runs a cool little blog called www.lensflarelo

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