Tradewindsurf from the beginning. – Posted in: Uncategorized

Born in the earlier part of 2007, was an idea cooked up about 6 months prior, Leigh Sedley a traveling pro surfer grinding out on the QS, and looking for something other than the drag of the QS to spend his time working on and break up the tweaked thoughts that go through your h

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Which Airline should i fly?? October 26, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

This year I’ve done so much international flying, it feels like I pretty much live in an airport or on a plane. I’ve been travelling non stop each week for about 6 weeks now and been jetlagged the whole time, and after a while it starts to take a toll on your body.

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Ben Frost is the King October 24, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

I know this isn’t really on the subject of surfing, but hey who doesn’t like a good piece of art. Ben frost is by far my favorite artist at the moment and for good reasons..

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Modern Collective Countdown! October 23, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

The countdown is almost over for the most anticipated new age surf flick of the decade! The movie modern collective has been talked up all over the globe and after seeing the 20 minute sneak peek it has every right.

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