youtube channel December 1, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

We have just started up our own youtube channel which will show clips from all our team riders and other cool clips from the boys on there travels.. here is the first clip we have put up of Leigh Sedley out fun raglan.. enjoy

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Steph Gilmore takes her 3rd Womans World title November 30, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Steph Gilmore has taken the first of the World titles for the Australians this year yesterday at Sunset beach. This is Stephs 3rd world title and was totally shocked when the announcement was made that she had won after her semi final in the Gidget pro at sunset beach.

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Latest Fish tales Check it out November 29, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

This is a good night out in bali with koby and i. I bet koby a hundred bucks he couldn’t kiss 5 chicks in an hour. This is probably one of my favorite clips all year. Check it out!!!

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2010 WCT Qualifiers November 27, 2009 – Posted in: Uncategorized

with one event to go, it looks like 7 surfers have officially Qualified for the 2010 Dream tour these guys are
Daniel Ross (AUS)
Patrick Gudauskas (USA)
Jadson Andre (BRA)
Owen Wright (AUS)
Adam Melling (AUS)
Jay Thompson (AUS) and

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