Getting behind the lens April 4, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Here are a few photos I snapped over the last few days of Paul Fisher and Heath Walker out the front of my pad! Waves were super fun and I was bummed cause I had just hurt my shoulder again, so I got behind the lens of my chick’s new camera and got some cool shots.

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Stuarts Fight! April 3, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Hey Crew, hope you have all been getting some waves before summer
Leaves us entirely for another year! For all those in Vicco I’m sure your
all loosing it at the thought of another round of madness to see who will

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Tradewindsurf Australian made Australian owned March 22, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

In a time when the economy is rubbish, even though governments tell us otherwise and companies are forced to send there manufacturing offshore to keep up with competition and in turn not go broke, you can rest assured that TWS is a full supporter of Aussie products and brands with a story behind

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