Beginner Surfer advice! How you can shred to October 18, 2022 – Tags: , , ,

So you are after some beginner surfer advice ? You have come to the right place. We specialise & I mean specialise. In surfing advice for beginners & all of the best products to get you in the water shredding.

Beginner Surfer Advice – 

Below is a few points that we think should be helpful in your surfing journey. Depending on whether you want to be good enough to surf a few times a year & have fun. Or maybe you want to really get right into it. These tips should give you the blueprint to progress in a timely fashion.


  • Learn on a good softboard – This is very important, a nice rigid softboard. With enough volume is going to make your surfing journey so much easier. The Catch Surf Log is one of many great options we offer. Get in touch to see which softboard is right for you


Catch Surf Odysea Pro Log Inspired Unemployed



  • Get a Surf lesson from a Surf School close by. This has helped many would be surfers make the transition into daily shredders. The tips gained in one or two lessons or however many you feel comfortable with is an underestimated short cut to surfing competently. We can help you find a Surf School close by if you contact us.


  • Surf with minimal people around. This is a good one because it can be daunting finding your feet whilst having to dodge other beach goers. We don’t mean only surf on desolate beach, more like find your own little area where you can learn the ropes.



Summary – 

So there is your part 1 of Beginner Surfer Advice. We would love to help you get started on your surfing journey. Contact us on 0488 775 483 if you would like to talk more! Or you can follow us on Facebook or our other socials.