Want a great deal ? Read on April 25, 2022

So we have been reviewing lots of products lately as we move into some new areas & continue with our great info & advice on our existing products. We thought that maybe it is time to offer a deal.

If your looking for a deal then now is the time to get in touch. These deals are not advertised on our store, nor is there a coupon for them, you have to contact us direct. See our deals for this week as follows –


Softlite Chopstick $100 off all sizes 

Softlite Popstick $100 off all sizes 

Mullet Models $100 off all sizes 

This includes shipping to most metro places ( Hobart, Perth & Darwin might be void of free shipping depending on model please contact us) 


William Painter Sunglasses 10% off second pair for existing William Painter customers (If you have bought a pair with us before & would like another we can organise 10% off. 


Please contact us via email or phone if you would like to get yourself a deal. Available until the end of the week.