Is Kelly Slater The Goat of all sports ? February 17, 2022

We want to know your opinion ? Is Kelly Slater the Greatest of all time in all sports. On paper it is a fairly convincing argument, I am torn though for a couple of reasons. Being world number one at 50 years old is a pretty strong argument on it’s own. Couple that with 11 World Titles & every other accolade in surfing you could imagine, the surfing goat presents a pretty strong case.

What I do think about though, is that essentially, surfing is a fringe sport compared to say, Basketball or Soccer, Tennis, something like that, so in theory, the competition would be stronger from a sport that worldwide has more competitors & more hoops to jump through, or am I wrong ? Is a professional athlete at the top of his game, battling with a rival in that sport equally hard as any other sport as they are both at the top of their game ?

For example, is John John Florence vs Kelly Slater the same as Rafael Nadal vs Novak Djokovic in Tennis, or have the Tennis players worked harder to get where they are as the pool is deeper & road is harder & longer. I could continue on, but let us know what you think in comments section.