How many Surfboards is too many? March 28, 2010 – Tags:

These days with Precise Computer shaping and the lack of time it takes to shape new surfboards, some pro surfers are getting around 150 boards a year off there shapers. With surfing progressing as fast as it is, the best guys need the best equipment at all times, and now with machine shaping it has made it so much easier to do so. 
Although it’s virtually impossible to shape a surfboard EXACTLY the same, with the help of computers we can now get a hell of a lot closer. Some guys want there surfboard so precise, they will want it down to the weight. I’m not sure of the exact weight Mick fanning likes to ride his boards but i do know that if there not the exact weight he likes its not worth even giving it to him, cause he won’t want to ride it. 
As for the random everyday surfer, most guys would maybe go through a couple of surfboards a year, some maybe only one for some blokes, but its always a wise move to have a few boards in the quiver in case you blow a fin out of one or if the swell comes up and you might need a little longer board to give you some more paddling power. 
Everyone’s needs are different and there is no limit to how many surfboards a person should own, i try and ride a different board most surfs just to mix it up and keep my surfing fresh. Everyone should try riding whatever surfboards you can get your hands on whether its a quad, single or twin fin, fish or flyer. it will make surfing a lot more fun and you will definitely notice your surfing improving.