Parko has the worst fin chop i’ve ever seen July 13, 2010 – Tags: ,

After hearing about Parkos foot injury earlier in the week, i was bummed to hear that Parko was out due to another mid year foot injury and also bummed that i cant watch him flair at J-bay this week in the WCT event.
On a perfect Winters day at Snapper Rocks parko went down on a Super dredgy sand grinder behind the back rocks, and must have got tangled up in his board in the process, coming up to find his foot had been sliced straight throught the muscle, in one of the most gruesome fin slices ive ever seen..
Despite the pain from the injury and the disappointment of missing Jefferys Bay, Parko is already positive about his recovery. “In a way I was lucky it happened now and not later in the year when the events are all back-to-back. At least I have the time now to get it right and get ready for Tahiti.”
Photos: Sheild