San Diego lead up to the ASR tradeshow! September 2, 2010 – Tags:

With a big start to the trip over and a bit of time to rest the we had to get ready for the ASR Tradeshow in San Diego, Sedz had a pretty hectic schedule, Djing each day as well as everything else we were trying to fit in.
Staying in the Casa del mar Downtown, which was a more than satisfactory place to get aquainted and rest up for the three days of madness that ensued.
For those that don’t know the ASR tradeshow is a yearly event where who’s who of surf/extreme sport brands come and showcase whats on offer from them over the next twelve months, great for a relatively young label like TWS to sink our fangs into and see what our labels are throwing out for the year!
The photo’s are of the pool bar area at our resort as well as a landscape shot of la jolla on the way down!