Merry Christmas from December 8, 2010 – Tags:

Hello Everybody, here we are again, closing in on the end of another year! Probably a little early, but thought i would send out the Christmas cheer a little sooner this year, and say thanks to everyone that has supported us once again! All the people that have looked at the site, bought our products, sent us hits here on the blog, voted for our lovely ladies of the month and just anyone that has been part of the modest growth of our little surf company that is!
What a year it’s been i’m literally still spinning out about Andy Irons, not to mention Kelly’s ten titles! For the end of the year we are busy getting everyone there boards in time for there Christmas break, so far so good!
Next year for you on is an exciting one, the inception of TWS America will be upon us, I went over there in August and partied my ass off but managed to fit in some meetings with co-owner Sedz and some shapers and the feedback was good, so stay tuned especially if you are one of our visitors from the States, which has been steady over the last six months. We are next year looking to have more products on our store also, as far as accessories etc goes so keep your eyes peeled for that, there is always something on the cards and plenty in the pipeline we hope the support stays strong!
Have left a few photos for you guys to have a go at, would like to take a moment to give photographer Nathan Smith a mention, his photo’s in our gallery are truly awesome and each photo i have used here is one of his! These pics in my eyes are all pretty sweet!
Summing up the year we have a nice shot of Kelly, comfortably carving his way through a friendly little right hander, a big Quikky Sticker in view, of which three percent of that sticker he can now literally call his own, and you could too, all you have to do is crank out a quick ten World Titles easy!
Next we have a shot of Andy, hanging with his boys Troy Brooks and Tom Whittaker, obviously partying having the sick time together, I don’t know where or when it was, but this shot isn’t about that, it’s just about Andy and all his tour buddies that so obviously frothed on him as a friend! The reason i chose this one is because i reckon that the general surfing public will obviously remember Andy for his surfing, but the Tour
Surfers will Remember A.I for who he was and times like these!!! R.I.P.
The other two pics, well that was just a little thought i had when i was thinking of what i could get for all our viewers for Christmas, and before you say do us a deal, or send me some free shit, if that is what you want, sign up to our newsletter and you will receive all our deals regularly for our customers starting now! The photo of the smoking chick is for all the boys, something to strive for whilst on the dance floor while tearing your local pub/club to bits on your festive benders! The next shot is for the ladies, and who better to be in that shot than lady killer, Julian Wilson, making ladies crazy since about the age of ten! All these years on nothing has changed and TWS just gave you him for Christmas, well not really, but like they say its the thought that counts! Haha what a load of shit that all was, Merry Christmas guys and girls, stay safe and we will see you all in the board room soon!