Adam Melling……. Winning March 30, 2011 – Tags:

Hey guys, just got to thinking, how often do you say to your buddies over the years,
‘Hey mate this guy is gonna be good, or this fucker should win everything he is easily the next big thing’! Etc etc, i know over the years i have claimed some outlandish shit, time and time again i’ve been wrong, but i’m happy to say for once, i got it right!
I saw Adam Melling surf for the first time at a Bells junior contest years ago, he won the comp funnily enough. Anyway, i didn’t think much of it, kids notch up random wins all the time, it wasn’t until about a year or two later when i saw him at a contest at Greenmount on the Gold Coast, maybe the Micheal Peterson contest, i cant quite remember! Anyway ‘Mello’ was killing it, surfing as fast and as hard as i had really seen anyone with his brand of surfing surf, an old school touch, with his own fresh lightning fast flavour through it!
From there I was all about backing Melling to the final day of competition, now i’ve since gotten to know Melling a bit and went mad in the states around u.s open time last year with him and the boys, so i don’t want to be flat out seeming to suck him off, but he has done it again and won the Cold water classic in New Zealand, taking Willian Cardoso from Brazil down in the final!
It’s been a big couple of years for Melling and it would seem he is not going to be a fly by night star, as far as we here at are concerned, Melmot is here to stay! Well done buddy!