Introducing Louis Gervais! LG- Life’s Good…….. June 20, 2011 – Tags:

A humble unit on Dbah Hill littered with shiny new surfboards most of which have shiny graphics on the deck, others with peices of paper on them waiting to go under the pen! Although i’m not a huge fan of the statement because it is used to frequently, Louis Gervais is one guy who is living the dream! An interesting character, Louis spends his days surfing around Snapper Rocks and Dbah, and in the downtime sweeping young moisties off their feet and drawing on surfboards for anyone from your average Joe, to Owen Wright and Mick Fanning, thats just scratching the surface!
Louis, though you would never know, is relatively new to Coolangatta, but he has more mates than most people make in a town over a lifetime, and it is a result of an easy going character, who is keen to surf and generally just go with the flow. The profile he has built in quick succession suggests though that there is something more to my new buddy, a business savvy undertow ready to take on the world perhaps? You be the judge!
Willow- Louis first impressions last, the first time i met you was in a limo to Brisbane to go party for the night, you had no coin and hadn’t been to bed the night before, that’s a solid effort, do you always just go with the flow like that or are you more calculated about your partying these days?
Louis- Haha yeah first time we met was an enjoyable night, have settled down a bit now days trying to focus on my art a bit more and trying to surf as much as possible,  definitely still enjoy a beer and a laugh with friends though.
Willow- Any stories you wish to share, before you supposedly settled down?
L-  Ahh i just work, i have no stories, i’m working on one though!
W- Tell our crew how the art thing came about, how did you drum up the work or did it just kind of happen under your nose?
L- I first started painting on my own boards, then some for friends, when i moved to the gold coast my good friend Dane Hamilton (Hamoo) had just opened his surf shop in Coolangatta and he started to get me to paint the boards in the shop and people were enjoying it, so it just sort of grew from there! The surfing community of Coolangatta has some colorful characters so my art work seemed to work well!
W- Ever accidentally done the wrong painting on a board?
L- No haven’t painted the wrong thing, get some people who are fussy and want little things changed that’s about all u can make mistakes with. The posca pens are easily fixable cause they go over each other cause its paint!
W- As far as i know you spent alot of your time coming up as a surfer in Mackay, now without wanting to suck you off too hard how do you get as good as you have in the water by surfing in Mackay, is there something the Mackay crew aren’t telling us about the waves up there?
L- Hahah we both know that’s a lie Willow, i cant surf but am quite good at long distance running and am thinking of entering some triathlons soon! As for mackay surf, if u enjoy box jelly fish, Crocodiles ,Tiger sharks and windy, sloppy surf and brown water, its great, there is waves there if you’re very keen to surf!
W- Have you ever had it properly pumping up there? Cyclone swell, or on the barrier reef or something?
L- Had lots of good surfs up there, probably had the best one at a place called Blacks beach but the water is always brown!
W- The move to the Gold Coast seems to have really been the making of you art wise, are you still frothing on Cooly or are you ready to move on already?
L- Yeah its been great to be in Coolangatta, people are really friendly and seem to like the art i have been doing, there is definitley a bigger market here for anything to do with surfing, everybody hear likes to surf so it is a great place to be . I would love to stay here for as long as possible and keep painting!
W- You seem to be a bit of a smooth operator with the ladies, whats your ideal night with a young Goldy lass, just incase any of our readers wanna get in contact, maybe you wanna leave your facebook address for them?
L- Haha what? I wish I was smooth, perfect night maybe a bottle of red some candles me, my computer and red tube!
W- What is the goal of Louis Gervais, is it to conquer as much tail as possible and being able to surf when you want or is there something more?
L- Hahaha nah Willow i just want to fall in love! Would like to one day learn to surf maybe even ride along the curl of the wave. Just keep painting and hopefully do a successful art show in Coolangatta.
W- You did feature some of your work in an art show recently on the Sunshine Coast, how did that go? Is it something you plan to do more of?
L- Yeah i put some art in an exibition on the Sunshine Coast was a good night, lots of different artists and bands, sold some of my work, that’s always nice, would like to do more shows, working on doing my own exibition in Cooly!
Finally a few Quick ones for you, don’t be afraid to elaborate-
W- Waves or women?
L- Both at the same time
W- Bender or barrels?
L- Barrels then celebrate with a bender
W- 4ft or 8ft?
L- 4ft haven’t surfed many big waves
W- Cooly or Cali?
L- Cooly
W- Tarp no tarp?
L- When camping always good to bring a tarp, you could end up soggy and wet with no tarp.
W- Saturday or Sunday?
L- Sunday BBQS are the best
W- Blonde or brunette?
L- As long as they have hair!
W- Juvie or Cougar?
L- Grannys
So there you have it, that is Louis Gervais as we know him, friendly, talented, slightly eccentric and i still can’t work out whether he is serious or joking half the time, we wish him all the best with his art and if any of you want his art on your boards, then just give me a call and i’l sort that out for you! My number is on the website.