Teahupoo Grinds like never before, Sedz Nails a result in Virginia August 29, 2011 – Tags:

Do yourself a favour and watch this footage, i just saw it then for the first time and it blew my mind! I have seen Chopes angry before but i’m going to go as far as saying that is quite possibly the most run for the hills worthy i have ever seen it! I remember when i first heard of Teahupoo, there was a four star QS there in maybe the year 2000? Don’t quote me on that but it was some time around then.
She was angry that year and the fact they had a four star there clearly states the ASP had under-estimated the beast that is now a certain fixture for the WCT year in year out! I couldn’t describe how i felt about Chopes and the guys i saw surfing it those first few times, it seemed then and still does seem totally uncomprehendable to me how they pull the courage off to do it, i remember Occy saying about Teahupoo that there is tough guys who go around and bash people and talk down the  pub about how hard they are, he then said something like, i would like to see anyone who sees them self in that group take on the beast of Teahupoo, i understand if you don’t surf then it’s not the greatest analogy because these are professional sportsmen at the top of there game but it is probably the closest i have ever coming to explain how i feel about the surfers riding these waves check this little vid it is seriously fucking mental!
In other news Tradewindsurf co-owner Sedz, while the top however many it is these days were battling out in Tahiti, Sedz was bashing his way through small beachies to get back in the winners circle after coming fourth in the final of the 4 star event over there, I would normally put a photo up of Sedz tearing his way through this contest in Virginia but these waves in Chopes are more than enough to froth you to bits for now!