Check out Micheal Spencer shredding on a xanadu in the waves board test! September 28, 2011 – Tags:

Hey Guys, check out TWS friend and Sydney shredder Micheal Spencer’s board test in New Zealand in which he rode the-
Rider: Michael Spencer | Shaper: Xanadu
Model: Pig 2
Dimensions: 5’8” x 19’ ½” x 2’ 3/16”
Rails: Mid to high
Rocker: Mid to low
Tail: Round
Bottom: single concave
Fins: FCS
Watch this Vimeo vid to watch him flare up and see what he has to say about the Xanadu Pig 2. The Pig 2 is available in store here on as is the whole Xanadu range so check them out and get into them for the upcoming summer! Happy viewing crew.