Julian Wilson oh so close in France! October 13, 2011 – Tags:

The Quiksilver Pro in France is over for another year. The surfing world however, may never be the same! The dominance of Owen Wright and Kelly Slater in the last three contests was put on hold, for now, there run was stopped in round 5 and the quarters respectively. The final this time consisted of TWS buddy Julian Wilson and Brazilian Super Grom Gabriel Medina!
Julian cruised to the final, taking care of Taj in the quarters and having a mad exchange with Jordy Smith in the semi’s, Gabriel Medina’s run to the finals was nearly flawless, he made light work of Kelly in the Quarters and destroyed Taylor Knox in the Semi’s, he was nearly stopped by Julian but needing a nine in the dying moments, came through with the goods. The scary thing is the kid is only seventeen!
With the recent dominance of Owen wright it would be forgiven of the usual veteran front runners for feeling a little bit dejected by what they have been enduring playing second fiddle to Owen a surfer in some cases a decade there junior! I now think that they are probably closer to losing there minds, just when we thought things couldn’t be fresher and more exciting a final like this shows up and a seventeen year old takes the cake with some of the craziest surfing you are ever likely to see and this is in his second ever world tour event! Not to mention Julian, who, since requalifying through the one world half way through the year, has gone quarter in New York, Semi in Trestles, and now final in France, where to now?
I only hope that Julian keeps his form up and doesn’t get rattled by the second placing as i’m sure he thought he had that one. Whatever happens though you can rest assured the tour is in good hands, in the process of grabbing it by the balls and tearing it to bits, it’s already happening, seriously watch this video it really is mental, to see how everything is progressing! Exciting times ahead!