The Australian Leg full steam ahead February 27, 2012 – Tags:

Got to say the last month has been madness! The Breaka pro at Burleigh waltzed in to town and made spectators happy with some great weather and a great performance from Julian Wilson taking out the win! I’m very surprised that this contest is still only a four star! I’ve heard it’s because organizers don’t want it taking away from the Quikky pro, if that is the case then i think they need to just stop tweaking and make it a 6 star like it deserves to be! I guess when it boils down Breaka would be rubbing there hands together definitely getting value for money with that one!
Fast forward another week or so and we are in Manly for the Australian open what a great contest, great atmosphere and great event all round, the only thing that didn’t show up i suppose is the waves, but i must say that it didn’t really bother me i had a mental time and was happy to see young Matt Banting have a win, i love it when the young guys do well it creates alot of excitement and hype around the traps!
Now i must say i stayed away from the Goldy the weekend just past as i new where it would end up, when your not a professional athlete at the Quiksilver Pro it’s amazing how quickly watching some surfing turns into beers at the surf club and so on, so unless they hold off until the weekend i won’t be seeing the contest in person this year, which is why i have posted some highlights of the first round for you some pits, some punts, some hacks the Quikky always has it all, i’m already kicking my self that i have missed the first half!