The Quikky over Taj Wins Tws gets a hangover March 6, 2012 – Tags:

What a weekend in the surfing world, Taj Burrow starts the year as the frontrunner for the world title and shouts a bucketload of beer! The waves weren’t amazing but luckily the rain held off, the ladies were still able to parade around and everybody was able to have a bit of fun in the sun before heading to Komune at Coolangatta for the afternoon to party the night away and celebrate Burrows win and just another successful Quiksilver Pro all round!
Sedz and Fisher played a set sometime Sunday night and the crew raged, after that it was up to the penthouse for the after party were the boys had another little crack at the decks later that night, the night was massive a hell of alot of fun and a great way to see the first stop on the world tour out of town again for another year, the Australian leg isn’t quite yet over with a 6 star still to come in Newcastle as well as the Drug Aware pro in Margarets to come also. Such a good time of year if you have never been to the Quikky in Cooly then make the effort next year, i think the Aussie open in Sydney could be worth a look to, if it is anything like the first one that has just been then it ain’t going to dissapoint!
Have left a little video of the final day for you guys who weren’t fortunate enough to be there, courtesy of asp world tours you tube channel, enjoy!