2014 is the year of surfing & social media December 12, 2014 – Tags: , , , ,

I normally come out this time of year & say Happy New Year to everyone & what a great life it is & how happy we are with everything blah blah blah. This year i still think all of those things. Tradewind Surf has had a few troubles & at the risk of sounding cliche at this time of year again, we have come through them & are charging along again, getting you all your surfboards & accessories with ease!
I have posted a video of the whole surfer poll awards held in Hawaii last week, you guys remember the thing that Dion Agius & Noa Deane had a bit of a drunken melt down on the mic whilst accepting there award. If you haven’t seen it go to 3 hours & 33 minutes to watch it go down. You are probably asking why i am bothering writing about something that happened LAST WEEK. The reason is, that’s the point, when i started blogging back in 2007, i used to here whisperings off industry guys, read surf mags when they came out & have a fresh story for my page a month after something happened!
Fast forward to 2014 & if you aren’t picking up the story the minute it happens, it’s old news. This has to be a good thing for the people that fuck up as the minute they feel embarrassed, they also feel the story passing & a new one take its place, lets think about what has happened this year. Dion & Noa having a melt on the mic, Jeremy Flores embarrassing Ben Mondy, Jordy punching his board after heat losses, Julian not being able to win a heat, The Hazzas swimming with Tiger Sharks in a bird cage, the list goes on, but the truth is i can’t remember the half of it. Such a disposable society we live in, I look forward to more fly by night stories to roll through my social media feeds in 2015. Thanks for all the support in 2014 can’t wait to do it again next year!