Lost Surfboards made by Matt Biolis in Australia January 30, 2016 – Tags: , ,

It is that time again, when we offer you Lost surfboards shaped by Matt Biolis in Australia, the idea is that Matt is over for the Quikky pro shaping boards for team riders & you are able to get in on the action by ordering Mr Biolis to make you one of your favourite Lost models all at no extra charge to what a Lost model would normally cost you.
Its really easy, head to our Lost store on TWS by clicking this link –

Click here to find which Biolis shape you are going to get

Check out all of the boards, get in touch for some advice, or choose which model is best for you & let us know that you would like Matt Biolis to shape the board for you & get a fresh Lost made by the man himself, all signed by Matt, sealed & delivered. Its a no brainer & a unique opportunity for no extra cost. All boards are due out late April or early May & you only have until the 22nd of February to finalise your order, so feel free to get in touch with any queries you may have or place your order online, the opportunity is yours. Happy Surfing!