The best surfboards of 2019 March 10, 2019

Surfboards, so many models & so much hype, which ones are the best ? Truth is, it comes down to the individual, but there is certain models that shine that little bit brighter than the rest. The purpose of this post is to shed some light on some of those models in a few different areas, so everyone can begin to make informed decisions about what they ride. The video attached is extremely entertaining, but probably not relatable for anyone reading this blog including the person writing it. Eli Hanneman on his Mayhems showing us why he is the next big thing!
First up, we can have a look at the performance area & the first board we have chosen is the Lost EL Patron this one is a performance board for the bigger guy. Maybe surfing on hybrid fishy stuff for a few years & looking for something with a performance outline but can’t go back to the sub 30L of yesteryear, the EL Patron could be the one, a great board in decent to great waves, it has been popular early on in 2019 & I have a feeling it could be around for a while to come. Matt Biolis has a knack for creating boards that speak to the crew on the wrong side of 35 & looking to get some youth back in the water, all the while making performance models for the best surfers in the world without fail. Click on the link below to check the EL Patron out some more.…

The next board that we would like to put on the 5 best boards of 2019 list is the Chilli A2 a bit of a surprise package, Chilli has brought back to life an old Andy Irons model file & modernised it with new concave & rocker, the board has been a hit so far & we expect it to continue keeping performance surfers happy around the globe in 2019 & beyond. This board is probably best suited to the hardcore performance or contest surfer as it is built to be driven hard & perform, check it out further through the link below –

So you have been surfing for a little while & you think it is time to progress, you got put on to a softboard from your surfschool which was a no brainer, or you roughed it on a friends old mini mal. This was easy because you got advice off someone who knew but now you have progressed, but not enough to know exactly what board you should ride to maximise enjoyment & progression. Truth is, there is a lot to choose from & it is easy to get lost in all the online or in store noise. Enter the Torq Pod Mod. A strong epoxy, which is lightweight & has a good level of performance, this board comes in 3 sizes of 5’6 5’10 & 6’2 with plenty of volume & built for the intermediate, there is plenty of fun to be had & a lot of the guess work is already done. Check it out below –…

Maybe you have had the softboard & want something similar, but on hard surface, this is a heavily contested field but the Torq Mod Fun is a ripper of a place to start. Different to the technology of the Pod, the Torq Mod Fun is the strongest board on the market, you can literally drop these on the concrete & carry on like nothing happened. The surf hire side of the industry has gone nuts for the Torq as they last hire after hire & are backpacker proof unlike most other brands in this category. The other thing is they perform too, have a sick time on the Torq Mod Fun click for more info –…

The final board we would like to mention in this post is from a category that is dear to us at Tradewind Surf. The softboard category,  there is a few good brands & a lot of junk out there, the first battle solved is that here at Tradewind Surf we only sell good quality, but which is best of the bunch, which stands the test of time & durability, looks great, is reasonably priced & even better than the rest ? The Softlite 7’0 Chop Stick is the one. The whole Softlite brand is one that we have grown to love over the years here, as they put great effort into providing the best softboard on the market. the 7’0 is a great size, as it is almost a one size fits all size, but there is always room to move, check out the Chop Stick below –…

In the end there is so many great boards to choose from & others you should steer clear from, the best way to find out & talk it out is to contact us via email or better yet give us a call. There are plenty of variables we can sort through to make sure you get the best board for your skill set, I hope you enjoyed our top 5 boards for 2019. See you in the water!